Always moving, always seeking…

Welcome to this spinning planet we find ourselves on and also to this bit of space in the interwebs: We are Moving in Infinite Space

I’m Carol Miltimore and have spent the last twenty years in the apparel industry as a fashion designer, production coordinator, artisan and craft promotor, small business go-getter, founder of Seek Collective, senior consultant, and passionate sustainability advocate.

I’ve thought a lot about taking up space here and I finally feel ready. I’m on a journey to sift through all the greenwashing going on throughout the clothing industry. As an insider within this business (btw fashion is one of the top three industries on this planet!) I’m here to explore how our clothes are made, why this matters, and how to see through a lot of the BS marketing going on out there. My hope is this can not just be informative but also inspiring and interesting as well as an open dialogue.

Dear Mr. Kappus,

Since I’ve invested such a great deal into understanding the supply chain from the inside out, this newsletter is only available once you subscribe because my idealism needs support. I hope you consider subscribing and joining this community.

There will be monthly newsletters getting deep into a topic, there will be discussions, there will be inspiring insights, and more

Subscribe to We Are Moving in Infinite Space

Sifting through all the greenwashing out there when it comes to the apparel industry, but let’s make it inspiring as we navigate this wild ever changing world.